Because 2666 is a hex code, prefix the number with "&H". For example, to print the Black Diamond Suit character:
Ben Watts wrote:
Why does the Crystal function chrw( integer ), which is supposed to return a
Unicode character based on the integer that is put in parentheses, not
always return the character it should? Example: chrw(2666) should return a
diamond symbol. Instead it just returns the blank square character.
Previous Posts In This Thread:
On Friday, April 04, 2008 4:45 PM
Ben Watts wrote:
Why does the Crystal function chrw( integer ), which is supposed to return a
Unicode character based on the integer that is put in parentheses, not
always return the character it should? Example: chrw(2666) should return a
diamond symbol. Instead it just returns the blank square character.
On Sunday, April 04, 2010 2:10 AM
j m wrote:
Print Unicode(hex) characters with ChrW()
Because 2666 is a hex code, prefix the character code with "&H". For example, to get the Black Diamond Suit character:
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